Bird Legends & Folklore Throughout History

BIRDS IN LEGEND FABLE AND FOLKLORE BY ERNEST INGERSOLL Chapter 1 “When we say, “A little bird told me,” we are talking legend and folklore and superstition all at once. There is an old Basque story of a bird—always a small one in these tales—that tells the truth; and our Biloxi Indians used to say the same…

Flowers and Flower Lore – Hilderic Friend – 1883

November 6th, 1883. Introduction “FLOWERS are the friends of all, and we look with amazement at the person who cannot find some amount of pleasure in their study. Children love to gather them as they take their country rambles or return from the village school ; the sick are always delighted when a bouquet is…

The Patterns & Designs in the Books by Tomie dePaola

One of the rewards of my re-studying of the books by Tomie dePaola is that I am realizing how very much he used simplified designs and repeated patterns in his later books. I have also noticed how he repeately uses several motifs–like the white birds and the hearts. In her book Tomie dePaola: His Art…

The Good Samaritan and Other Parables – Tomie dePaola

The Good Samaritan and Other Parables – Originally Published in 1987 Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon I Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon  

The Miracles of Jesus – Tomie dePaola

The Miracles of Jesus – Tomie dePaola – 1987 Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Miracles of Jesus Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Miracles of Jesus Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Miracles of Jesus Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Miracles of Jesus…

The Clown of God – Tomie dePaola

The Clown of God – 1978 Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Clown of God Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Clown of God Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Clown of God Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from The Clown of God Image…

The Baby Sister

The Baby Sister – First Published in 1965 but dePaola Re-designed the Book Later Image Credit dePaola on Amazon Image from The Baby Sister Image Credit dePaola on Amazon Image from The Baby Sister Image Credit dePaola on Amazon| Image from The Baby Sister Image Credit dePaola on Amazon Image from The Baby Sister Image…

Nana Upstairs, Nana Downstairs

Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs Image Credit: Tomie…

Tom – A Picture Book about Tomie DePaola’s Grandfather

Tom – 1993 Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Image from Tom I mage Credit: Tomie…