Who Was Moses in the Bible?

“ABRAHAM, a descendant of Shem, one of the sons of Noah, was the father and founder of the great Israelitish, or Hebrew, nation. God chose him from all the people living on the earth at that time, for this purpose, promising that He would make his name great and that his descendants should have for…

Who Was the Bible Hero David?

“DAVID dā’ vĭd (דָּוִ֔ד, beloved one?). The son of Jesse of Bethlehem. “I. The life of David “A. His family. The genealogy of David is given several times in Scripture, the first being in Ruth 4:18-22. He is a direct descendant of Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (the husband of Ruth), Obed (the son of Boaz…

What Are the Healing Properties of Goldenrod?

I have allowed a large stand of goldenrod to thrive at the back of my property. Because it blooms when most of the other things growing in my garden have withered and died, I call Goldenrod the Queen of My Autumn Garden. For me, the fact that it makes a beautiful show is enough, but…

The Real Mother Goose – from 1916 – Illustrated by Blanche Wright

ABC Great A, little a, Bouncing B! The cat’s in the cupboard, And can’t see me. GEORGY PORGY Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play, Georgy Porgy ran away. WEE WILLIE WINKIE Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in…

Tomie dePaola’s Book of Bible Stories

Tomie dePaola’s Book of Bible Stories Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon Tomie dePaola’s Book of Bible Stories Image Credit: Tomie dePaola on Amazon The Wolf Will Live with the Lamb The Old Testament God Creates the World Adam and Eve Disobey God Cain and Abel Noah and the Great Flood The Tower of Babel…

Who Was Patrick – An Ancient Irish Bishop and Patron Saint

THE CONFESSION OF ST. PATRICK.     “They also found wild honey, and offered me some of it, and one of them said: “This is offered in sacrifice, thanks be to God”; after this, I tasted no more. But the same night, while I was sleeping, I was strongly tempted by Satan (of which I…

Was Glastonbury a Celtic Site? Looking at the Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury Tor Image Credit: Wikipedia Tower of Avalon in The Winter King Image Credit: Film Bristol When I watched the MGM series The Winter King, I was struck by the tower that rises above the rest of the region of Avalon, and my mind immediately flashed to stories about the use of towers in Fairy…