Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 10

Poisonous Playmates “Toxic playmates can capsize our artist’s growth. … “Not surprisingly, the most poisonous playmates for us as recovering creatives are people whose creativity is still blocked. Our recovery threatens them…. “If they are having trouble with your recovery, they are still getting a payoff from remaining blocked. Perhaps they still get an anorectic…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 9

Shadow Artists “For many families, a career in the arts exists outside of their social and economic reality: ‘Art won’t pay the electric bill.’ As a result, if the child is encouraged to consider art in job terms at all, he or she must consider it sensibly.” Cameron, pg. 26 “Fledgling artists may be encouraged…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 8

“Art is born in attention. Its midwife is detail…. “The language of art is image, symbol. It is a wordless language even when our very art is to chase it with words. [as writers] The artist’s language is a sensual one, a language of felt experience.” Cameron, pg. 21. “Art is an artist-brain pursuit. The…

Jacki Kellum Free Study of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way Day 7

Artistic Date And Weekly Evaluation “An artist date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. …You may not take anyone on this artic date but you and your inner artist, a. k. a. your creative child.” Cameron, pg. 18. “A…

Jacki Kellum Watercolor: A Carousel of Color

For as long as I can remember, I have loved color. When I was a tiny child, my favorite thing about the Christmas season was sitting alone in my dark living room and watching the Christmas Tree’s lights bounce around in the panes of the large picture window that fronted my parents’ house. Jacki Kellum…