Comp II Curriculum Part IV

IX. Class IX Today, we’ll continue our discussions of our homes, and we’ll prepare to write a memoir essay. First, I want you to hear the Judds sing a song that is a type of memoir essay about their home. Flies On The Butter (You Can’t Go Home Again) Wynona Judd Old tin roof, leaves…

Comp II Curriculum Part III

VII: Class VII Assignment: In Your Own Words, Respond to this Question: In the story “A Rose for Emily,” was Emily fenced in? Write in a Stream of Consciousness. Refer to Sandburg’s poem “A Fence.” What Is Writing in A Stream of Consciousness? Writing is an open-ended time of discovery for me. Some of you…

Comp II Curriculum Part II

V. Class V. During the last class. we began looking at ways that roses have been used symbolically and metaphorically in literature.  It’s important to note that at times, a symbol might have negative connotations. For instance, a rose’s thorns may suggest something negative, harmful, or even dangerous. Listen to another song: Thorn Tree in…

Comp II Curriculum Part I

ENGL 1023 – English Composition II Credits: 3 Instruction continues (from ENGL 1013Links to an external site.) to emphasize developing students’ writing skills. Students write a minimum of five essays in response to readings in the literary genres of prose fiction, drama, and poetry. Students prepare and write a research paper dealing with a book-length literary…

The Greek gods and goddesses

Greece is a country in Europe, and it is the home of one of the oldest civilizations recognized by mankind. Map of Ancient Greece about 2500 Years Ago – Image Credit: World History Encyclopedia Ancient Greece was a larger territory than that of modern Greece. Parts of the Persian Empire were considered to be part…

Paintings that Depict The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber “The Underground Railroad, also called Fugitives Arriving at Levi Coffin’s Indiana Farm, a Busy Station of the Underground Railroad, is the best known of artist Charles T. Webber‘s paintings. The painting shows a large family of escaped Southern slaves being received in the Northern winter by a group of white…

Jonkonnu and Winslow Homer’s Painting Dressing for the Carnival

Dressing for the Carnival – Winslow Homer – The Metropolitan Museum of Art “In this Reconstruction-era painting, Homer evokes the dislocation and endurance of African American culture that was a legacy of slavery. The central figure represents a character from a Christmas celebration known as Jonkonnu, once observed by enslaved people in North Carolina and,…

Old Testament Bible Chronology – Approximate Dates

The following information was taken from: Chronology: Abraham to the Exodus Abraham was born sometime near the date of 2,000 BC 2031 – Abram’s son Ishmaél was born Abram’s son Ishmaél was born when Abram was 86 (Ge.16:16), around 2031 BC. 2017 – Abram’s son Isaac was born c. 2012 – Abram’s Promise from God “The…