Autumn As A Symbol in Writing – Quotes about Autumn

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the famous novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. You may not realize it, but J.R.R. Tolkien wrote short stories, too.  Many years ago I discovered his story Leaf by Niggle. Among other things, Leaf by Niggle is a story about a painter who senses an urgency within himself…

Celebrate Spring with Lois Ehlert’s Book Planting A Rainbow

Although I am living, writing, and painting in the Ozark Mountains now, I was a Children’s Librarian in New Jersey for years before now, and especially during the spring, I miss my work as a Children’s Librarian. New Jersey is certainly colder than the Ozark Mountains, and the snow and black ice and N’oreasters wreak…