Journal to Slay Perfectionism and Its Sidekick Fear

Once again, I am fighting my nemesis Procrastination. In a way, my journal entry for today alluded to the way that my procrastination has pervaded my life:

The sun is peeking from behind the clouds, casting shadows across the icy snow. The light behind–shadows ahead. My world has been paralyzed by ice and cold. – Jacki Kellum Journal Entry January 16, 2024

Yes, an ice storm has stymied the natural world around me today, but other factors in my life have been attacking me for months. I wish I could be in denial. Then, I could simply desist from being productive–guilt-free, but I understand what is going on. Today, I devolved to the point that I took an online test: “What Is Causing Your Procrastination?” Here Are My Results:

Number 1: Perfectionism

“Though it might sound like a good thing, it may be stopping you from taking needed action.

Number 2: