How to Create A Journal and Goal-Setting Book for Students & Writers

I am teaching Writing about Literature to College Freshmen This Year, and I Love My Job! But yesterday was the final date for 2 assignments to be submitted, and — you guessed it, I was forced to give some students the grade of  zero. Keep guessing — Yes! Today, some of those students were begging…

#28Days Journal Challenge Prompt: Mindfulness

Yesterday I bought an Apple Watch, and I am already in love with 3 of its features that I didn’t know I’d get, along with my watch. First and very nice: All of my spam calls [and the less numerous valid calls] show up on my Apple Watch. Within seconds, I can dismiss or accept…

Let’s Launch A Journal Habit – #28 Days Journal Challenge

If you are a writer, you may be like me in that you wish that you had a journaling habit. I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to make myself journal every day, but that habit never seems to stick.  Yet, it appears that I’ll be teaching good writing habits in college…

The Importance of Writing in a Journal

This spring, I vow to reestablish the important practice of observing nature closely and of recording what I see, smell and hear in a journal. Much of writing is about recreating sensory details, and I am convinced that learning to be more in the moment and observing what I sense in the moment will help…