Everyone Needs A Secret Garden – Words about My Garden

Not long ago, I visited The Cloisters in New York City. By definition, a cloister is an open hallway that surrounds a protected garden. It is a natural walkway where monks and nuns might retreat into nature and still have a degree of protection from the elements, like wind, rain, snow, sun–and other people, too….

Learning to Paint and to Write by Intuition

When I am painting and when I am writing, I consider it a great day when something within myself takes over and essentially completes my project for me. This gentle urging is intuition. It is the spark that helped Michelangelo release his sculptures from a piece of rock, and it is my writer’s voice and…

Learn to See with Your Spirit and Not Merely with Your Eyes

I often write about the importance of an artist’s or a writer’s or a thinker’s truly “seeing,” as opposed to merely looking.’ Even flies can look. Looking is nothing more than image recognition Seeing is a deeper thing. It has to do with perceiving and with the imagination and with empathy and feeling. Seeing things as they truly…

Kids Do Photoshop – Lesson 1 – How to Open Photoshop & Draw Shapes

I have great news for the kids of the world. Adobe makes the computer program Photoshop, and for folks who like to play computer games, Photoshop is a fantastic alternativeto just playing around on the computer. Instead of chasing dragons, kids can really use their brains, and they can draw dragons of their own–or they…

Celebrate Spring with Lois Ehlert’s Book Planting A Rainbow

Although I am living, writing, and painting in the Ozark Mountains now, I was a Children’s Librarian in New Jersey for years before now, and especially during the spring, I miss my work as a Children’s Librarian. New Jersey is certainly colder than the Ozark Mountains, and the snow and black ice and N’oreasters wreak…