Take the #14DayPBChallenge – Write, Revise, & Submit Your Picture Book for Publication

Let’s Get Ready for my new #14DayPBChallenge.

During the next 2 weeks, I plan to complete at least one new picture book manuscript, and I am also challenging myself to begin my search for an agent. I plan to do the process publicly–here on my blog. Join Me: Take the 2023 #14DayPBChallenge. It’s Free.

Every day for 14 days, I’ll share some valuable tips that I have learned about writing, revising, and getting a picture book published. The #14DayPBChallenge is great for people who are only beginning their picture book writing journey. It is also good for those of us who need to take our writing efforts to the next level.

A Picture Book Challenge is a contest with yourself. It is a determination to be better than you were.

I’ll take a deep dive into the following areas:

Too many aspiring picture book writers think that writing a cute, rhyming picture book should be simple. But that is a misconception. The best picture book writers are magicians. They make it appear that their writing efforts are effortless. But hear me: When rhyming picture books are good, they are very good. But when rhyming picture books are bad, they are horrid. Many would-be-good picture books are ruined by awkward rhyme. We’ll discuss the following:

  1. Distinctions between end rhyme and internal rhyme
  2. Mix it up–don’t sing your readers to sleep.
  3. Surprise your readers with unique word patterns.
  4. Don’t be too predictable.

Natalie Babbitt, the author of the perfect middle-grade novel Tuck Everlasting, answered the following question:

What is your suggestion for someone who wants to start writing?

“Be a reader. It’s the only real way to learn how to tell a story.”
― Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

After you write your first draft of a new picture book manuscript, I’ll show you how to create a text dummy that will help you understand how to improve your book’s pacing. In other words, I’ll help you understand the art and craft of establishing page turns. Text dummies are also great for editing your books. They help you delete unnecessary, wordy passages.

We’ll also discuss ways to write more descriptively.

Although I may do this study separately, I’ll also share some tips about writing for both the Christian and the holiday markets.

After I spend some time talking about HOW to Write A PICTURE BOOK, I’ll spend at least as much time discussing the next steps. In my opinion, if you never get your picture books in front of the right people, you haven’t finished creating a picture book. Getting Published and Marketing are essential next steps.

  • Writing a solid picture book is only the first step.
  • Getting that book published is the second step.
  • Marketing your book is the essential third step.

The First Day of the 2023 #14DayPBChallenge is Monday, February 19.

Your assignment for Day 1 of the #14DayPBChallenge is to write a rough first draft for a new picture book.

We’ll work to polish that manuscript during the challenge

Don’t forget: I am doing this challenge, too.

I like planners, and I have prepared a free, printable 8.5 x 11 calendar and planner for you to use.

A Free 8.5 x 11 Journal, Planner, & Reading Log for You to Download & Print for 2023

Your job for today and tomorrow is to:

  • Get Organized
  • Begin Writing the First Draft Draft of a New Picture Book.

When I am really buckling down, it helps if I force myself to account for every hour of my day. That is a sure way to see how many hours I piddle away.