If you think about it for a moment, you will probably realize that the words that humans have codified to convey meaning are clumsy, at best. Yet, that is the construct of writing. We writers form letters together, and we expect our readers to take a leap of faith and to connect those letters to…
The Rooster, Who We Have Always Counted Upon to Wake Up the Sun, as Symbol
Last night, I was watching an old movie, and Robert de Niro, as one of the stars, held an egg in his hand and said: “You know, some religions think that the egg is the symbol of the soul, did you know that?” – Angel Heart I immediately thought about a picture book that I admire, First the…
New York Times Article from 1910 Explains the Tradition of Getting New Clothes for Easter
This week, I have been sharing the fact that when I was a child, in the 1950s, not an Easter passed that I did not get a new dress, new white shoes & a matching purse and an Easter bonnet to wear to church. Although I still practiced this tradition for my kids when my…
Rabbit and Egg and Easter Picture Books That I Consider to be My Favorites
I am suspicious of any picture book author and/or illustrator who cannot admit that they have been greatly influenced by several authors and illustrators who came before themselves. MANY authors and illustrators have impressed me, and today, I’d like to tell you about several picture books that somehow fall beneath the hood of Easter books….
Next Easter – Let’s All Get Together & Celebrate an Old-Time Easter
I guess that this year, most of us will miss the old, time-honored Easter celebrations that we associate with our pasts, but today, I am remembering the Easters from my childhood, and I am pledging that from now on, we must not miss another Easter celebration — TOGETHER. I was born in 1950 and although…
Give Me That Old-Time Religion. It’s Good Enough for Me!
Several months ago, I began preparing to move into a very old house, and although there are formal features about my place, it is just an old farmhouse. Long before the coronavirus had begun threatening Americans and had begun imposing a slow-down of life upon us, I had begun making plans to move into a…
Memories of Guatemala at Easter Time – Understanding the Parable of the Widow’s Mites
Because of the coronavirus, it hardly seems like it, but Easter is only a few days away. Life has been trimmed down for most Americans, but I am recalling the Easter that I spent in Guatemala and had the honor of visiting the village of Antigua at Easter. That was the Easter that I saw…
My New Old House Has the Spirit of Andrew Wyeth’s Paintings and It Also Feels Like My Grandma’s House
Before I left the East, I saw a wonderful Wyeth exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. That experience is imprinted on my mind. No doubt, that is one of the reasons that I chose my new, old house. It feels to me like Andrew Wyeth. It especially feels like his paintings…
Home Is Where the Art Is – Jacki Kellum Home and Studios in the Ozark Mountains
On April 1, 2020, I officially began moving to a 125-year-old Arts and Crafts house in the Ozark Mountains. My house is far from luxurious. In fact, I believe that my house was originally an old farmhouse. But the bones of my dwelling have survived the comings and goings for the past century and a…
Take A Peak Into Edwardian Lady Edith Holden’s Journal Entries about April
Before April moves too far toward May, I want to share a few pages from illustrated journals that were created by Edith Holden, who wrote both The Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady and The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I have had both of these books in my library for years. I especially…