There’s A Time to Write & A Time to Edit — Don’t Mix the Two

Writer’s Block Is Probably Editor’s Block I have talked to a number of people about what they are calling writer’s block, but I believe that many people confuse writing with editing. In fact, I believe that what many people call writer’s block is actually editor’s block. One of my best pieces of advice for writing…

Good Morning, August, from the Book Tuck Everlasting

Hawk’s Bill Crag in the Ozark Mountains In the above photo, you see a view of Hawk’s Bill Crag, which is in the Ozark Mountains. It is 38 miles from my house. While this is not the Alps, the Ozarks is a hilly-to-mountainous region, and in places, the terrain is downright steep. While Hawk’s Bill…

Register Today for the Linda Camacho & Dakotas SCBWI Webinar

Although she has held other positions in the publishing industry, Linda Camacho is currently an agent with Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Her Wish List is Published Here: “Linda Camacho, agent with Gallt & Zacker, graduated from Cornell with a B.S. in Communication and has held various positions at Penguin Random House, Dorchester, Simon and…

An August Calendar from Jacki Kellum for You to Print

The long, last blast of summer now, I hear an autumn call. Soft and quiet, like silver thread, Wings come whisper to my bed, And one sole star above my head, Goodnight, Goodbye, my sun. – Jacki Kellum – I know that I am not the only person who is happy to see the summer of…